Episode 5

Embracing Curiosity with guest Justin Welsh


February 16th, 2022

53 mins 58 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Early on in his career, Justin Welsh saw great success. Not only did Justin land an executive position in his early thirties, but he went on to grow several companies from 0 to 50 million in just a few years. While his success may appear outstanding on paper, Justin very quickly fell into burnout. After spending some time learning about himself, Justin made the choice to redesign his life to be more intentional. Today, Justin runs several online companies where he helps other entrepreneurs build their businesses by embracing their own curiosity.

In today’s world, there are millions of ways that entrepreneurs can generate income. Rather than staying at a job that causes you stress, Justin suggests that listeners get curious about the things they like and explore ways to turn that into a business. When you embrace a curious mindset, you will not only take the time to learn, but you also will increase your happiness and success.

Tune into this week’s episode of The G.E.M. Series to learn more about the importance of work-life balance, trying new things, and embracing your curiosity, so you can generate streams of revenue without experiencing burnout.

• “For the last two years, I've really been focused on creating my own business, and the driver behind that is wanting to build a different life for myself and for my family.” (04:05-04:16)

• “I think about people who have been fired a lot in their sales roles. Sometimes they're struggling, because they just don't know how to sell very well and they're not, they're not putting in the time to learn the craft. But sometimes people just aren't fulfilled and they just haven't found the right role for themselves.” (11:22-11:38)

• “When looking to hire someone, I'm mostly interested in curiosity. Because to me, curiosity takes care of almost everything.” (17:17-17:22)

• “If curious people want to learn more about your industry, they teach themselves. If they want to learn more about the customers and prospects, they teach themselves. If they want to get better at sales, they go out and actively learn how to do it.” (17:23-17:33)

• “If you want to figure out how to do something, try first and ask questions later.” (19:16-19:20)

• “Trying things is the best way to figure out what works for your business, your customers, and your life.” (35:59-36:05)

• “If you can get a little bit of attention, you can distribute things that generate revenue in so many different ways.” (43:52-43:02)


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